Tag Archives: spreco alimentare

Tre Americane | Food Waste = Calories + Nutrients

Sometimes it’s easier, tastier and more aesthetically pleasing to peel fruits and veggies. Carrot peels? Bitter. Potato peels? Too many bumps and divots. Squash? Is it even possible to chew through the tough skin…? I’m positive that these thoughts have crossed your mind at least once in your effort to maintain a healthy diet, and

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Tre americane | Recipes against food waste

I really love food and cooking. If I could spend an entire day in my kitchen cooking, baking, testing and tasting different recipes, I would do it in a heartbeat. I don’t think that’s too far off from Italians and their food culture, either. For example, (from the viewpoint of an American) when I envision

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Scopri con un video come funzionerà il market-place di SenzaSpreco!

  Per ridurre lo spreco alimentare è necessario diminuire la produzione, imparare a riusare quello che avanza ed infine vendere a prezzo scontato, o ridistribuire a chi ne ha bisogno, ciò che altrimenti sarebbe gettato. Puoi visualizzare l’infografica sullo spreco alimentare che abbiamo realizzato per il Prendinota a questo link: Cos’è lo spreco alimentare? Con questo obiettivo nasce il progetto “SenzaSpreco”, sostenuto

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