Category Archives: SenzaSpreco

The GreenWatcher, il guardiano delle imprese sostenibili

The GreenWatcher, una piattaforma online che permette alle aziende di diventare più sostenibili e agli utenti di poterle scegliere e consigliare. Ogni nuovo rapporto sullo stato di salute del pianeta ci ricorda che l’ambiente non versa in buone condizioni e le prospettive sono tutt’altro che rosee. Per garantire un habitat degno di essere chiamato tale

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Le 1000 e una idee per riutilizzare il Cous Cous

Andiamo insieme alla scoperta dei molteplici modi per salvare il cous cous dallo spreco alimentare! Chi non ha mai assaggiato un buon piatto di cous cous? Magari servito nella sua variante estiva a mo’ di insalata di riso! Immaginiamo nessuno…   Il cous cous è un piatto formato da granelli di frumento cotti al vapore

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Non si mangia con gli occhi

Come frutta e verdura vengono sprecate ogni giorno, solo perché non abbastanza “belle” di Silvia Valentini Hai mai sentito parlare del problema degli standard estetici di frutta e verdura? Di cosa si tratta? Hanno un impatto sullo spreco alimentare? Cerchiamo di spiegarlo. Recandoti in un qualsiasi supermercato, noterai che frutta e verdura sono esteticamente omogenee:

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Tre Americane | Food Waste = Calories + Nutrients

Sometimes it’s easier, tastier and more aesthetically pleasing to peel fruits and veggies. Carrot peels? Bitter. Potato peels? Too many bumps and divots. Squash? Is it even possible to chew through the tough skin…? I’m positive that these thoughts have crossed your mind at least once in your effort to maintain a healthy diet, and

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Tre Americane | Food Waste: Fuel of the Future?

It is no secret that there is a food waste problem in the North America and Europe. Currently, ⅓ of all food produced in the world goes to waste. Countries like France have tried to address this issue with new legislation mandating that wholesome food waste from restaurants and businesses must be donate, while Italy strongly

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Tre Americane | A Look at Food Waste Policy in the United States

Ohio Ohio is a medium sized midwestern state in the United States, and its also my home! I (Paige) am from Cleveland, Ohio, a small city in northeastern Ohio that sits on the coast of Lake Erie, a huge freshwater lake. Like most midwestern states, Ohio has a large agricultural community. The most popular products

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Tre americane | Recipes against food waste

I really love food and cooking. If I could spend an entire day in my kitchen cooking, baking, testing and tasting different recipes, I would do it in a heartbeat. I don’t think that’s too far off from Italians and their food culture, either. For example, (from the viewpoint of an American) when I envision

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Tre americane | A Glance at an American Startup, Colorado Springs Food Rescue

My name is Cat, short for “Catherine,” and I’m excited to cover this week’s blog post! I study environmental science at Colorado College and live in America’s Rocky Mountains, a place I love dearly. I’ve also fallen in love with Italy during my two months here, and it’s been absolutely fascinating for me to deeply

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